Saturday, April 24, 2010

HairONE (Wen knock off)

Hmmm... So several of my friends have bought into the Wen Cleansing Conditioner ( craze. However, on a musician's budget I'm not willing to drop $30 on a shampoo unless it blowdries, flatirons & washes my car too. So, when I heard about the knock off at Sally Beauty Supply called HairOne
(,default,pd.html) I had to try it.

After the first use my hair was fuller, shinier and air dried in half the time! Now I normally only wash my hair maybe 3 times a week (we'll talk about this in another post), so when I washed it 2 days later it was the same for me, great results. However past the 3rd time I needed a seperate condtioner. While my hair had TONS of body, it was killer to run a comb through and the fly-aways were in handfulls. I tried applying some of the cleansing conditioner out of the shower like it suggested but ended up going back to my standard Organix Coconut Milk Split End Mender

I love the idea of this product, but for my hair I could use it perhaps every 2 or 3 washings. more than that and it's not enough moisture.

I tried the one for dry hair (Olive Oil)

Bottom line?: I'd suggest this for fine hair that is oily, since it does give tons of body and is a little drying. If you have curly hair or even slightly damaged hair be sure you're using your protein pack/spray and a detangler.

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